Manchester Precision Engineering — Hyde Group

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The Manchester Precision Engineering premises provides over 6,000m² of production workshop for the manufacturing, testing and development of special purpose plant and equipment, serviced by five overhead cranes that span the workshop floor with a hoist height of 9m.

5500m² of modern factory space house 3 and 5 axis machines with envelopes of up to 12m x 4m x 1.5m and cranes capable of 20 tons of lift. We have a maximum lift of 40Te using a dual crane arrangement.

This workshop is split into four discrete bays including an assembly bay, medium CNC machining bay, large CNC machining bay and a testing bay.

Manchester Precision Engineering has one of the largest machining capacities in the UK. With a diverse selection of 3 and 5 axis CNC machines all of which are directly connected to our CAD/CAM suite which is able to remotely download programme and tooling information.

Internal SPC checks and external laser calibration ensure continuous accuracy and confidence in machining quality.

Our temperature controlled inspection department houses a DEA Delta 5 axis Renishaw touch probe CMM with a 3 axis working envelope of 5m x 2m x 2m and a smaller LK G90C running a variety of Tutor, PC-D-mis and Camio software.


Machining, assembly and testing

CNC machining 5 axis up to 12m * 4m * 2m

CNC machining 7 axis up to 4m * 2.5m * 1.3m

CNC machining 3 axis up to 5.6m * 3.1m * 1m

Deep hole drilling

Spark erosion

Centre lathe 0.5m diameter * 1.5m

Surface grinding

Assembly and fitting space, 3 bays at 420m² and 2* 220m²

CMM up to 5m * 2m * 2m

Laser tracking.

Leadership Team

Paul Cox
Sales & Marketing Director

Contact Us


Oldham Street
M34 3SW