Committed to Customer Service
Hyde’s embedded culture of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction allows us to deliver excellent levels of service.
Hyde's Aero Products Division operates a 24/7 urgent support team to support customers with AOG, UOR and other urgent requirements. We also ensure we assign a dedicated account management to every customer.
Hyde Aero Products Division are proud beneficiaries of the Sharing in Growth programme - a 6 year $6 million business intervention programme supporting reduced lead times, industry leading delivery schedule adherence and our right first-time approach.
Tools & Initiatives
To improve our services, we use a range of tools, some of which are commercially available, and some that have been developed in-house:
SAP® software (ERP & MRP), providing end-to-end business management systems
FORCAM - software allowing us to monitor data from our machines and facilities from a central interface.
DISCUS - specialised software for consolidating and organising First Article Inspection Reports (FAIRs)
Lean Six-Sigma - methodologies for business improvement
Value Chain - NATEP-funded project to improve cross-capability collaboration and streamline New Product Introduction