Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

October 2024

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Hyde Group Holdings’ Ltd slavery and human trafficking statement.

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business. We have reviewed existing corporate responsibility and ethics policies and considered whether they already address the issues that are required by the Act and where it has not, have introduced the additional policies and procedural content that is needed. This produced only minor changes to what we consider to be robust and meaningful systems that are compliant to the act and procedures that are well established and understood throughout our organisation.

Our structure and business

Hyde Group Holdings Ltd. is a holding company for a group of sub contract precision engineering manufacturing and engineering services providers. This comprises two divisions; the Tooling Division and the Aero Products Division. Within these divisions are individual, privately owned businesses developed to meet a wide variety of sub contract engineering services for our customer base. What we do and details of these services can be found here.

Due diligence in assessing modern slavery risks in operations

As a service provider for some of the most influential blue chip organisations in the world we require a high level of skill and technological knowhow in what we do. It also requires that we provide several assurances to our customers that we work within well established and documented ethical frameworks. In addition many of our sites are required to have high levels of security clearance with background checks and right to work interviews, therefore the employment of slave labour in these scenarios is highly unlikely. There is however a risk of employing agency staff from companies that have not shown due diligence in this respect and all contracts used with agency and contract labour include references to our Anti-Slavery Policies and right to work checks, making it a breach of contract if trafficking or slave labour is involved.

Hyde Group Holdings has been operating under a written Ethics Policy since 2010. This is based on the UN Global Compact which includes issues around the promotion of human rights in all spheres of our operations. A link to this policy is provided below:

Extensive training in these aspects of our business is provided to all the companies with our Group and detailed procedures can be provided upon request.

Our supply chain

Our supply chain is primarily customer driven based around materials, precision engineering parts and components with the bulk of the monetary value being in raw materials sourced in the UK. As a UK service provider, there are few major suppliers that are not also based in the UK.

Due diligence in assessing modern slavery risk in the supply chain

In assessing the risks relating to being involved in modern slavery in our supply chain we looked at all aspects of our operations including:

  • Sub contracted goods and services

  • Raw Materials

  • Capital investment

  • Utilities

  • Consumables and Off the Shelf products.

It was defined that the heaviest spend was with capital investment and raw materials. In both cases these are very low risk in terms of compliance to The Modern Slavery Act as raw materials are only purchased from customer approved supplier lists and UK based companies with our customer base having similar Anti-Slavery Statements with corporate responsibility charters etc. Our plant and equipment is based in high end, technologically advanced capital equipment such as cutting edge 5 and 7 Axis CNC milling machinery from renowned European suppliers who also have Anti-Slavery Policies.

To ensure that we require all our supplier’s compliance, all purchase orders placed with any supplier in the entire Group have a stipulation to comply with the Modern Anti-Slavery Act making it a breach of contract for non-compliance.

Effectiveness in ensuring modern slavery is not present

We make available to all our staff our ethics and Anti-Slavery Policies via individual induction training. We have published, robust system and procedures to investigate both internally and throughout our supply chain any incidents that might be of concern. In addition, we have personnel in suitable positions within Hyde Group Holdings Ltd. to advise in changes to legal obligations in all aspects of ethics and corporate social responsibilities. 

Further enquires can be made at

Signed on behalf of Hyde Group Holdings Ltd.


David Cooper

CEO of Hyde Group Holdings

The following Companies have been incorporated in this Statement.

Brinksway Tool Ltd.
Britannia Dynamics Ltd.
Crest Engineering Ltd.
Hollygate Aircraft Components Ltd.
Hollygate Fabrications Ltd.
Hyde Aero Products Ltd.
Hyde Assemblies Ltd.
Hyde Central Services Ltd.
Hyde Coatings Ltd.
Hyde Details (Fabrications & Welding) Ltd.
Hyde Details Ltd.
Hyde Group Holdings Ltd.
Hyde Group Ltd.
Hyde Group Nuclear Ltd.
Hyde Industrial Holdings Ltd.
Hyde Investments Ltd.
Hyde Precision Components Ltd.
Manchester Precision Engineering Ltd.
North West (Aerotooling) Ltd.
Park Engineering Ltd.
SG Equipment Ltd.
SG Instruments Ltd.
Stoneswood Precision Components Ltd.
Victoria Production Engineering Ltd.