Hyde Additive Technologies — Hyde Group

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The Hyde Group’s specialist business with expertise in the design and production of innovative additive manufacturing solutions.

Working with both metallic and non-metallic systems, Hyde Additive Technologies has developed a cost-effective offering in the aerospace subcontract market.  A recipient of significant R&D funding from NATEP (National Aerospace Technology Programme), it is leading on the further exploration and refinement of affordable solutions for metallic parts production.

Our additive manufacturing solutions combined with our knowledge and experience in aircraft design provide our customers with a true design and manufacture capability.  In this exciting and disruptive area, it enables them to exploit benefits such as low-cost and rapid-turnaround prototyping, the freedom to design lighter and stronger complex geometries, faster time to market, higher material efficiency and reduced tooling costs.

Leadership Team

Matthew Smallman
Divisional Managing Director (Joint)

Anthony Hammond
Divisional Managing Director (Joint)

Contact Us


Hyde Additive Technologies Limited
Tudor Works
Ashton Street
SK16 4RR
United Kingdom

Company No: 10670435