5% Club - Hyde Aero Products awarded Gold membership status
We’re enormously proud to announce that Hyde Aero Products division has been awarded Gold membership status of the 5% Club, a programme inspiring and celebrating employer action for increased, accessible and inclusive ‘earn & learn’ opportunities for all, in particular for apprentices and graduates. Employers joining the 5% Club commit that 5% of their workforce will be in ‘earn and learn’ positions within five years – Hyde Aero Products is almost at 10% already.
Nominated by our colleagues at Leonardo, to achieve gold status we were measured against:
the number of employees on graduate programmes, apprenticeships, student degree placement schemes, and other ‘earn and learn’ training programmes
the breadth and balance of our inclusion and social mobility programmes
the quality of our training and development schemes, including assurance, standards and completion rates for apprenticeships and graduate programmes
our plans for future growth of ‘earn and learn’ opportunities.
As a responsible, high-quality employer, we’re committed to working within our community and with local education providers across the Greater Manchester area to create a shared prosperity and drive ‘earn and learn’ skills training opportunities.